Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Moms with Style: The Vintage Look

When my youngest child was about 2, someone told me that being a mom shouldn’t mean you are inherently “square.” Now, she wasn’t calling me “square,” we were discussing women of our acquaintance who’d completely given up, style-wise, once they had children. We decided that it was just not necessary.

At the time, I was working in a very corporate environment, requiring me to wear suits on a daily basis and meeting frequently with clients. What I discovered pretty quickly is that you could buy a fairly basic suit, and, as long as it fit well, still make a statement. I bought a few of good quality, and then proceeded to make my statement via shoes and jewelry. Vintage jewelry, pearls with a black leather blazer, 40s style suede platforms. Vintage bags. Red nails. Red lips. You get the picture.

In my daily life, I find that I stick out like a sore thumb in the parking lot of my daughter’s school. All those moms look alike. And none of them look like me. And that’s just fine, because I have found quite a few moms who do look like me, thanks to the Internet and this blog.

Twila Jean is one of them.

She writes:

I am Twila Jean, mom of 2 kids ages 3 and 1. I adore all things vintage and dress in 40s and 50s clothes every day. I set my hair in pin-curls and love to do my make-up. I strive to look my best when leaving the house. Having kids does not mean you are doomed to wear pajamas to the supermarket. I also pen a vintage blog called The Mysterious Life of the Metropolitan Housewife ( I often post snaps and stories of my life where children and vintage coalesce.

And, Trixie Dee:

I'm TrixyDee from the UK!
I consider myself to be a Mum with vintage interest! I have two children, Laurence aged 4 and Violet who is 2.
Find it hard to find the time to make myself look glamourous but I do get round to it sometimes!

I think one of the popular misconceptions is that it takes so much time. It really doesn’t. I look at this way: you are going to put on powder, probably, at least. Then, chances are you’re going to use a little brown eye liner and some mascara. Probably some lip gloss.

So, why not use black eyeliner? Sharpen the pencil every single time and you’ll have a perfect fine line. Black mascara. And why not use a sheer red lip gloss? Less confrontational than a matte red lipstick, but a bit of a punch, and it brightens up your whole face.

Or, you can make an appointment with someone like Nicole, who does professional pin up makeovers and photography. Be a Bombshell for a day and you’ll never go back to sweats and ponytails, we promise!


My name is Nicole Klein and I am 37 proud mummy of a ten year old son.

Not only do I love my vintage style, but I even earn my living with retro pin-ups.

No photographers where you live? Take a cue from Nadja—watch the old movies. They’re all available to rent, I’ve even seen a few at the Dollar Store! Put one on while you’re doing your hair and face…you’ll be inspired!


I have always been interested in the 30´s, 40´s and early 50´s beccause of my dear father! When I was ill as a small child we often sat down looking on old photos from his parents and grandparents and told me about what they told him about how they lived and how he grew up. Gettin a little older we watched old swedish movies and hollywoods of course(from the 30´s- 50´s) I loved the clothes, the cars and the beautiful actors! Four years ago I started to wear more rockabilly influenced clothes and hairdos. Now, since my baby was born (now 20months old) and I lost the extra weight I have started to collect and reproduce clothes from the times mentioned above.
I can´t say my style is glamouros, it´s casual just beccause I have a child. Maybe that´s why I reproduce instead of buying real vintage, always prepared to be the target of a spill of milk or catch a sandwich in my lap! *ha ha*

It’s easy to do what’s easy. That’s why everyone does it. I discovered a long time ago that the best way to have some time for myself was to find it and take it. So I get up early. Really early. I have a quiet morning to prepare for the day. Enjoy my coffee, snuggle up in my vintage fluffy robe and slippers, get the bathroom all to myself! So I find the time I need to do the things that are important. What I know is that, for me, when I start the day with my Best Self forward, the day repays me in kind. Do I have days where it just doesn’t happen? Absolutely. And I’d be willing to be that our other Moms do, too. But when you develop a habit, it becomes more automatic. This is just what we do.

Give it a try. Set your alarm for just 15 minutes earlier. Start the coffee and heat up the curlers while you wash your face. Pour a cup and set your hair. Do your face, brush out your hair and revel in the simple glamour.

When you’ve done that, I dare you to put on sweats!!


  1. Lovely post, I am not a mom, but I have a very busy job that keeps me hopping. For a while all I wanted to wear was a sloppy, easy gap style. Now I am enjoying the vintage I wear to work so much I get bummed when I DON'T dress up a bit. And I am always surprised at the compliments a $6.00 vintage dress can garner.

  2. Oh, such fun to read about other moms ;)
    I´s true that you say about the time to your self, just to get up 15-30 minutes erlier is such a relief to me! To do the hair and put some makeup on before my son awakes- that time is nessesary for me to keep calm throug the day with my 20 month old son! ;)

  3. I am not a Mom. But even Dads give up on their appearance. Sure, guys have a little less latitude in office dress codes, but so many guys have given up all sense of style in favor of the khaki-and-golf shirt uniform of the corporate casual workplace. That gets traded in for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Not that I dislike the latter. I just think that being a parent still leaves room for style.

  4. Empowering to read, what smashing ladies xx

  5. Yay! What a beautiful bunch of yummy mummies! As soon as my kids get a bit older I'll get glammed up everyday! Honestly!
    D x
